Book 30 Days of Coaching

Wish you could talk to a coach while working on your launch?

Now you can...

WITHOUT enrolling a long term coaching program!

Picture this...

You get an offer idea that you’re excited about getting out into the world.

You’ve worked on building it out and packaging it so that it offers the absolute best results.

You get to the sales page and feel fear start creeping in.

You know that you have a good product but aren't a confident writer and hate the idea of selling.

Having a coach to talk to LIVE for 30 Days can make a world of difference as you begin to craft your marketing and sales messages from a place of service.

Or Maybe…

You’re working on setting your rates and know that you want to include a high ticket offer but are having some money mindset issues.

Or How About…

You’re working on an offer but realize it’s not quite as niched down as it needs to be.

Or Imagine This…

You’re ready to start marketing your offer and you feel a little resistance. You know it’s time to show up and kick fear to the curb but you’re not quite sure how.

What if you had a coach in your pocket to answer every lingering question that’s been hindering you?

Imagine how far you could go in 30 days

if you had me on stand by to…

✅Brainstorm and give feedback on your offer packaging, pricing and possible offer suite.

✅Share insights about possible marketing & sales funnels so you can pick what aligns with you.

✅Give you real time support when you hit mental and emotional roadblocks.

✅Consistently remind you of the faith factor that equips you to be a success.

What would your business and life look like?

You'd be closer, friend.

Closer to your launch finish line.

Closer to making an impact.

Closer to time and financial freedom.

Does this sound like you?

You have a strategic plan and are ready to implement.

You’re ready to try again in an area that you got stuck in before.

You bought an MRR marketing course and you’re excited to have all the parts but…

  • You’re not quite sure of the best order to go in
  • You can’t reach out to the person you bought it from for help
  • You need focus to actually implement what you learned


30 Days of


Designed for individuals who are ready to know their options, make clear decisions and ready to accelerate results…within the next 30 days!

LIVE 1:1 Coaching Thread (Mon-Fri)

For 30 days we'll connect on a LIVE 1:1 Coaching Thread focused on your business from 11:00am - 2:00pm Eastern Time.

During this time, you can reach out with questions and feedback requests whenever they pop up day or night. If you message outside of my hours, I will respond during my office hours within 24 hours or the next business day.

Choose to communicate via text or voice memo.

Perfect for when:

You have a plan and are ready to take targeted action in a specific area.

You want quick access and support when you hit a snag in your process.

You have a busy schedule and need flexibility.

Together we can work on:

⭐Establishing your business foundation

⭐Nailing down your offer suite

⭐Packaging your service to sell

⭐Creating a digital product

⭐Writing an email sequence

⭐Setting up a sales funnel

⭐Drafting sales copy

⭐Planning your marketing content

Clarity + Focused Action = Acceleration

You have a plan but there are SO many decisions to make for your business. You don't want to get stuck.

My Value Add

Guiding you through the steps that are most aligned with your goals and lifestyle plan.

You can make clear decisions and take focused action to accelerate your business launch.

Hello, I'm Monique

A certified life coach and longtime learner in the online business world. My favorite thing to do is help women realize the hidden opportunities within. I help you to finally launch the business that turns your unique experience and proficiencies into a profitable business idea so that you can:

Increase your income

Have fulfilling and impactful work

Design a lifestyle that works for you

As my client you can expect to talk about everything from faith, family, mindset to designing a signature offer, adding digital products, the best marketing strategy for your energy levels, and compelling messaging.

How It Works...

After you sign up for 30 days of coaching, you will get an email sharing the next steps and your first task.

Voxer. It is an asynchronous voice memo and text messaging app (think Walkie Talkies if you’re not already familiar).

Expect to begin the next business day after enrollment (within about 24 hours).

You can expect me to hold you to your word. You said that you want to build that business. I urge you to be ready for me to ask you how you will work around the problems you are running into rather than allow you to continue to complain and remain. 

Expect me to answer your questions and give you options.

Expect me to incorporate both the practical and the spiritual. I will point you to scripture. I will remind you of your identity. I will encourage and push you. Listen, I want to celebrate with you when we’re done!

I expect you to be decisive and do your part by taking action.

I expect you to get familiar with the app, choose your preferred communication method and talk to me! I am truly here for your benefit. I can only help with problems that you speak to me about. 

I ask that you do your best to provide clear questions so that I can give you the most direct answer possible to keep you moving. 

Consider starting with one big question that has been the most challenging for you to solve on your own and that would make the biggest impact toward clarity and unlocking strategic next steps

Expect to talk a LOT about business and of course life. I am also a certified life coach and I recognize that you are a whole person. However, please remember why you’re here. Our aim is to keep you focused on your business building season.

Expect this to be a collaborative partnership where I provide guidance and support while you do the work to implement your plans.

Support DOES look like:

  • Answering your questions
  • Brainstorming together
  • Helping you refine your plan, as needed
  • Working through decisions and roadblocks
  • Marketing and Sales feedback
  • Progress Checks
Support does NOT look like:
  • Enabling you to stay stuck
  • Thinking for you or making all your decisions
  • Providing additional professional services such as editing, copywriting or marketing

Let's Get Started!

30 Days

You + Me

Clear decisions.

Projects complete.

Launch Accelerated!